Circle of
By providing a monthly commitment for a child, you are gifting them consistency, stability, and a compassionate advocate. Court Appointed Special Advocates play a vital role in keeping a child safe until they find the home that will love them and help them heal.

Our community is facing an unprecedented rise in mental health struggles, drug and alcohol abuse, financial crises, and more. And, unfortunately, children are often the innocent victims who bear the weight of addiction, abuse, and neglect.
It can be natural to draw back from these difficult stories of abuse and neglect, but together we can be a Circle of Hope!
Our CASA Volunteers meet these children in their anger and confusion, their sadness and fear, their hopes and dreams. They fuel a child's hope as they speak to the Judge about what these children need. CASA Volunteers ensure each child has clothes, something special to call their own, someone in their corner who is looking out for their best interests, and theirs alone. And our donors' generosity ensures all of this happens for the 600+ children we serve every single year. Together, we can move toward a world where every child who has experienced abuse or neglect is given the opportunity to thrive in a safe and loving home!
Provide a Circle of Hope

The stakes were high for her. She’d been through significant abuse and trauma and was about to be kicked out of her school because of her behavior. Her CASA Advocate sat around a table with school leadership in a meeting that would decide her fate. Expelling her was the only idea on the table. No one knew the significance of her trauma and her CASA Advocate realized she must say something. Through helpful suggestions that considered her trauma, her CASA ensured this precious girl had proper support and healthy environments to give her every hope and chance to succeed in school. Because her CASA spoke up, she was kept from being expelled. Sometimes, we are the only ones there to speak up for these kids.
Your recurring donation as a Circle of Hope member dramatically increases the likelihood that youth like this girl will graduate high school! In fact, foster youth with a CASA Advocate are 800% more likely to graduate! You also increase the capacity for children to feel resilience and hope. Children with a CASA are 50% less likely to be re-abused, and 45% less likely to end up in the juvenile justice system, and more likely to find a safe, permanent, loving home! Bring hope today and join us in this mission to bring healing, love, and safety to children right here in our community.

"Every child deserves a champion. An adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best they can possibly be."
- Rita F. Pierson, educator
In order to serve every single child in foster care here in Southwest Idaho this year, we need 83 more CASA volunteers! If you have 8 hours a month to bring hope to a child, we'd love to meet with you! We provide extensive training and support so you can truly champion children who need your voice.

CASA of Southwest Idaho exists to serve children who have been abused and neglected and are placed in foster care. We come alongside children 0-18 years old to provide best-interest advocacy through a caring and invested CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer the entire time a child is in care.
With courage, we trailblaze the best outcomes for children and their families.
We show up with deep care for the child and their potential to heal and thrive. We cultivate meaningful conversation and collaboration to change a child’s story.